Best Practices Building Business

10 tried-and-true closing techniques: How to seal the deal in 2023

Inman | Card Medord

As the market continues to morph and transactional opportunities decline, one thing is clear: Agents need to sharpen their skills to be able to close. The problem is that real estate agents have not really had to learn closing techniques for the past 10 years as the real estate market has been on an unprecedented romp.

Couple this with the fact that a high percentage of agents have been licensed for fewer than 10 years, and a startling fact emerges: Many agents lack the fundamental sales skills they will need to make it through the current downturn.

Assuming that a good number of buyers and sellers talk to a few different agents before selecting the one who will represent them, here are the top 10 closing techniques well-versed agents should have memorized, so they are equipped to handle any potential objections.

Keep reading: 10 tried-and-true closing techniques: How to seal the deal in 2023

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