Industry News

Six creative ways to find and win new listings in a low-inventory market

Photo credit: The Walkthrough podcast from HomeLight

John L. Scott affiliate owner Jim Remley was recently interviewed for two podcast episodes all about finding and winning listings in a low-inventory market. Check out the episodes below!

HomeLight | Matt McGee

Are you waiting and hoping for the market to return to normal? Waiting for sellers to get back in the market, so you can pick up more listings? There’s a better way.

“The market has very little to do with your success,” says Jim Remley. “What has to do with your success is strategy. What is your strategy on a daily basis within the market that you work in?”

This week on The Walkthrough, Jim shares six creative ways you can proactively find new listings no matter how low inventory is in your market. Be ready to hear specific tactics, tools, and websites you can use to execute these ideas. This is part one of a two-part series!

Find the first podcast episode here. Part two is available here.

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