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John L. Scott Foundation sponsors KOMO’s NW Helping Hands

Backpack Meals for Kids volunteers load up a car full of food for Bellevue children in need. Credit: Backpack Meals for Kids

Backpack Meals for Kids is a Bellevue nonprofit that provides Bellevue children in need with food for the weekends when they are not able to receive free or reduced price meals at school. It’s one of the charities highlighted by KOMO’s NW Helping Hands. This year, the John L. Scott Foundation is sponsoring these segments which highlight worthwhile charities in the Puget Sound area. 

Herb Weisbaum | KOMO News

Every Friday, hundreds of kids in the Bellevue School District head home with a packet of food. Each kid gets two breakfasts, two lunches and two dinners, plus some healthy snacks. Without these backpack meals, they’d go hungry.

Backpack Meals for Kids, a group of dedicated volunteers, has been filling this food gap for 8 years.

NW Helping Hands is presented by John L. Scott Foundation, supporting children’s healthcare and WSECU, the credit union for Washington.

To read the article and view other NW Helping Hands segments, click here.

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