Best Practices National Association of Realtors

Staying Safe At Work!


Taking a self-defense course can help you defend yourself against a dangerous client, but it’s also important to implement safety practices in your interactions with clients.  Here are just five of the 56 tips from NAR’s REALTOR® Safety Resource Kit:

Tip #1

Keep it light

Show properties before dark. If you are going to be working after hours, advise your associate or first-line supervisor of your schedule. If you must show a property after dark, turn on all lights as you go through, and don’t lower any shades or draw curtains or blinds.

Tip #2


When you have a new client, ask him/her to stop by your office and complete a Prospect Identification Form (Find a copy online at Also, photocopy their driver’s license and retain this information at your office. Be certain to properly discard this personal information when you no longer need it.

Tip #3

Don’t be too public

Limit the amount of personal information you share. Consider advertising without using your photograph, home phone number and/or home address in the newspaper or on business cards. Don’t use your full name with middle name or initial. Use your office address—or list no address at all. Giving out too much of the wrong information can make you a target.

Tip #4

Touch base

Always let someone know where you are going and when you will be back; leave the name and phone number of the client you are meeting and schedule a time for your office to call you to check in.

Tip #5

Open house safety

Open house: it ain’t over till it’s over. Don’t assume that everyone has left the premises at the end of an open house. Check all of the rooms and the backyard prior to locking the doors. Be prepared to defend yourself, if necessary.


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