Industry News

Seattle-area home price growth continues to accelerate

Photo by Alex Rosas on Unsplash

Seattle Times | Katherine Khashimova Long

Typically, home sales cool down in early fall. But this has been a year full of exceptions, including in the housing market.

Rather than slow down in September, Seattle-area home prices rose faster year-over-year than they have since 2018, the last time the housing market peaked, according to the latest release of the S&P CoreLogic Case Shiller Home Price Index.

Home prices continued to rise fastest in Phoenix — 11.4%, year-over-year — but Seattle once again charted the second-fastest growth in the nation, at 10.1%, year-over-year. September was the eighth consecutive month Seattle was second to Phoenix in terms of home price growth.

Read the story online here: Seattle-area home price growth continues to accelerate; city still No. 2 in the nation

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