
John L. Scott Oregon City and Happy Valley donate cleaning supplies to local veterans

John L. Scott Oregon City broker Whitney Minnich poses for a photo alongside donations collected for Do Good Multnomah.

John L. Scott brokers from the Oregon City and Happy Valley offices teamed up with Do Good Multnomah to host a cleaning supply drive benefiting local veterans transitioning from homelessness into temporary and permanent housing. The drive, which was spearheaded by broker Whitney Minnich, ran from Oct. 22 through Nov. 11 and resulted in a pool of more than 500 cleaning supply donations.

Do Good has several Portland area-based housing programs that benefit local veterans, with a new facility that opened in Oregon City on Nov. 13. Clayton Mohr Commons, the new 24-unit campus opening in Oregon City, provides housing for veterans at or below 30 percent of the area median income. The donations collected by John L. Scott Oregon City and Happy Valley will help more than 30 local families, and Minnich said through the drive they were also able to make a financial contribution to Do Good Multnomah to help with additional needs.

“Many of our veteran residents need a variety of household items when transiting into new living facilities and cleaning items are among the most needed,” said Americo Hernandez, director of veterans services with Do Good Multnomah. “The cleaning supplies drive that John L. Scott Real Estate hosted will help fill an immediate need for local veterans and their families during an already hectic time.”

Some of the cleaning supplies collected by John L. Scott Oregon City and Happy Valley brokers.

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