Congratulations to all of the 2017 award winners! Company-wide, a grand total of 1,292 broker associates are being recognized with one of the following distinctions: Emerald, President’s, President’s Gold, President’s Elite, and Chairman’s Circle. Additionally, the top 1% were honored as well as the following individuals for being Rookie of the Year: Chantel Towle of Roslyn, Matt Hui of Sunset Corridor, and Peng Tea of Redmond.
In his comments, Lennox thanked everyone for their hard work in closing more than 36,000 transactions in 2017. Lennox said the following are major areas of focus in 2018: Personal Representation, Certainty, and Living Life as a Contribution. Referencing upcoming tax season, Lennox said the government does us a favor every year by sending property assessment statements and thereby prompting a conversation about home values. He encouraged everyone to continue the conversation with their clients about what their home is worth.
Adam Vasquez, President and CEO of Made with Merit, recommended focusing on the following five components to remain dynamic and connect with consumers: tell your story; be a community guide; position yourself as programmatic; expand your digital network; be account-based. He showed photos of Beck, Madonna, and Bono as examples of celebrity brands that successfully evolved over time.
A celebration event is occurring in Oregon later this week. Also, professional photos and a compilation video are forthcoming so please stay tuned for more information on celebrating your 2017 accomplishments. Here’s to making 2018 your best year ever!