Ultimate Client Relationships

UCR: More sales are made with friendship than salesmanship

Discussion among friends

I’ve been reading Jeffrey Gitomer for 13 years. For those who are not familiar, he’s written twelve best-selling books, including The Sales Bible, The Little Red Book of Selling, and The Little Gold Book of Yes! Attitude.

His post on friendship hit a nerve (good one) with me.

There’s an old business adage that says, “All things being equal, people want to do business with their friends. And all things being NOT so equal, people STILL want to do business with their friends.” It is estimated that more than half of all sales are made and business relationships are kept because of friendship.

The Ultimate Client Relationship® way is to have our clients on OUR top of mind. To care for, and offer valuable, relevant information, to those we care about.

Read Jeffrey’s article here.

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