Exceptional Homes

Exceptional Advice

ExceptionalHomes_PRINT_finalLogo_wGlareFrom the desk of Rachel Warner, Director of Luxury Marketing

Did you know that because John L. Scott is a founding member of Luxury Portfolio International, all of our member associates have full access to their vast tools and resources, even if you have never had a luxury listing?

One of those benefits is that each year you have 25 free gift subscriptions to Luxury Portfolio Magazine that you can gift to your clients at absolutely no cost to you.  In addition, you have another 25 gift subscriptions of Luxe Interiors & Design available for just $5 per client, which is less than the newsstand price for just one issue!

Now that 2017 is well underway, make sure to login to your Luxury Portfolio account to sign up your top clients for these gift subscriptions:

Login: your JLS email – Password: your first name

 Read more about it online here: http://support.luxuryportfolio.com/hc/en-us/articles/204676739-What-gift-subscription-s-can-I-send-to-my-clients-

Questions? Contact Rachel at rachelwarner@johnlscott.com


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