Building Business Sales

Annual Builder Breakfast gives insights into top Seattle buyers

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On Thursday, November 18, 2016, over 130 builders, brokers, and developers gathered for the annual John L. Scott Builder Breakfast at the Bellevue Club in Bellevue, WA.  JLS COO Phil McBride welcomed attendees and shared Lennox’s anniversary video.

Keynote Speaker Mollie Carmichael, a principal consultant at John Burns Real Estate Consulting, gave an informative presentation she called the “New Faces of Residential Housing”, outlining:

  • Demographic Shifts
  • Generational Segments
  • Consumer & Product Solutions

More importantly, she explained what the top buyer groups are looking for in a home. We’re sharing her presentation with you and are certain it will give you insight into how to better serve your clients. Just click on the link below.




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