Do you remember the game “I spy with my little eye?” I was reminded of it last week when I read a post by Jennifer Gluckow. She related the idea that taking time to pay attention has suffered as the “tablet age” is upon us. When we are looking down to our electronic device, we aren’t paying attention to what’s going on around us. As a result, we aren’t paying attention to those around us.
What if we were more intentional about paying attention to those around us? What if we “spied” what makes our clients tick?
- Who is in their family?
- Is there a wrapper of their favorite candy?
- Do they drink tea or coffee?
- What publications do they read?
- Where did they go to school?
- Do they showcase a certain style of art?
- Are they well traveled?
- Do they have a favorite sports team?
- A favorite hobby?
- Music or band of choice?
The next time you are with someone, take time to pay attention to what is important to them. Play a game of “I spy with my little eye.”