
How You Can Increase Referrals During the Holidays

By Liz Dominguez | RIS Media’s HouseCall

  1. Throw a party
    Everyone likes an excuse to go out for free entertainment and food. What better way to show clients you care than throwing a party in their honor?
  2. Give away goodies
    If a party is too big of a commitment, set aside a day or two for laid-back holiday meetups in the office. Decorate the space with seasonal decor and give away themed goodies, such as fruitcake, spiced cookies and candy canes.
  3. Have a sweepstakes
    A contest is a fun way to show you’re thankful for past business while also making it an interactive experience. Check with your brokerage for any restrictions on gifting and contest wording. A “How many holiday M&Ms in a Santa hat?” competition on social media is thematic and an easy way for clients to submit their guesses.

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