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John L. Scott Puyallup hosts mobile blood drive

On Tuesday, January 23, John L. Scott Puyallup hosted a mobile blood drive with Cascade Regional Blood Services. John L. Scott brokers, staff, industry partners, and community members came together to fill all 25 donation spots.

This is the second blood drive that John L. Scott broker Shawna Abel has coordinated. She shared that two years ago, a loved one needed an emergency blood transfusion, and they were unsure if her blood type would be available due to shortages. “It has been important to me ever since to encourage people to donate. I am more than happy to coordinate future drives for our office and I think that it is a great community event that we can encourage clients, industry partners and the community at large to participate in,” she said.

Thank you, Shawna and John L. Scott Puyallup, for Living Life as a Contribution®!

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