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24 affirmations, lessons and contemplations for 2024

Inman | Rachael Hite

And with that, the 2023 season comes to an end. Friends, if this year has left you more upside down than right side up, you are not alone. Scandals, lawsuits, settlements and bad sentiment seem to be swirling like an ill-gotten snowstorm in our industry.

Some of my more popular lists in 2020, 2021, and even 2022 are jam-packed with what to do or stop doing, but this year’s list, like 2023 itself, requires a little more of a heavy lift.

Chances are three ghosts from our pasts will not visit us and tell us what we did wrong and what we need to do next. Here are a few pep talks, lessons learned and maybe a little cheer to warm your cold hearts before the new year.

1. Being uncomfortable will create growth

Low inventory, high rates and mounting legal issues leave many uncomfortable and unhappy; you will have to grow and change your current methods to step outside of that comfort zone. Getting uncomfortable can sometimes lead to significant change and a new chapter in your business and life.

Read the full article: 24 affirmations, lessons and contemplations for 2024

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