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Marci Schoenberg holds annual Fill-A-Backpack fundraiser

John L. Scott Central Oregon broker Marci Schoenberg celebrated her birthday by giving gifts to others. This year, she dropped off a large quantity of school supplies and backpacks to the Family Access Network (FAN) office in Bend, Oregon. These items were all collected through her annual “Fill a Backpack” fundraiser at the end of August.

Marci has been running this fundraiser for 10+ years and has no plans to stop. “My back-to-school fundraiser helps all school aged kids have a new backpack and fresh supplies as they enter the new school year,” she explained. In total, three big totes of supplies, 34 backpacks and 15 gift certificates to Fred Meyer were collected.

Marci started collecting items at the beginning of August. The Central Oregon office staff supported fundraising efforts by creating social media posts and flyers about the event for brokers to share. The team also reached out to title companies and lenders in the area.

“We support FAN as they believe that everyone deserves to live in a community where children flourish and families thrive,”  said Marci. “John L. Scott has the same beliefs and we all should live life as a contribution!”

FAN supports public schools across Deschutes, Crook, and Jefferson counties. Working through a dedicated FAN advocate, a child or parent is connected to essential services such as food, shelter, heating, health care, clothing and more. FAN advocates improve the lives of nearly 8,000 children and family members in the community each year.

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