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John L. Scott affiliate owners receive Boss of the Year honor

Gergen Robinson (left) and Davina Clardy (center) are joined by Gergen’s wife Donna Robinson, Olympia Branch Manager Pat DeWees, and broker Steve Chung at the Boss of the Year celebration.

Gergen Robinson and Davina Clardy, owners of three John L. Scott affiliate offices, were recently honored by the Thurston County Chamber in their Boss of the Year celebration. Gergen and Davina, who own offices in DuPont, Lacey and Olympia (also known as the Talent Group), received an honorable mention at the recent award ceremony.

Nominations for this award come from the leader’s direct reports, and around 15 students from Saint Martin’s University examined a dozen finalists to uncover what makes these bosses excel in leading their teams. This analysis is incorporated into the selection process for the 2021 Boss of the Year Awards.

“Gergen and Davina have steadily grown their business by treating every broker on our team like family,” said broker Steve Chung, who nominated the duo for the award. “They continue to provide cutting-edge tools, training and superior support that makes their brokers raving fans. This is a sentiment passed down from the top and shows throughout our company.”

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