Industry News

Safety tips every real estate agent should know

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash

RISMedia | Joe Sesso

Real estate agent safety is an important topic that is often overlooked in many discussions. While no one plans to be in a dangerous situation, agents should be prepared for any possibility. In the most recent Secrets of Top Selling Agents webinar, “Don’t Be A Statistic,” Jay Thompson shares some of his best safety tips to help agents be more aware and create a safety plan.

[…] Be Aware

At the beginning of his webinar, Thompson shares that real estate agents are often called “lone workers” because they spend many of their working hours alone. Agents are often put in vulnerable situations, as they’re showing homes to and hosting open houses for strangers. Thompsons mentions that they are most vulnerable when they are showing homes, as they’re alone with a stranger at a property. While women in the real estate industry are targeted more often, many men are victims as well.

Find the remaining tips online here: Safety Tips Every Real Estate Agent Should Know

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