
Direct mail marketing isn’t dead! Here’s how to do it right

Photo by Davide Baraldi on Unsplash

Inman | Christy Murdock Edgar

According to various expert sources, the long-anticipated end of direct mail marketing has been turned upside down by the pandemic. Held as a captive audience in their homes, homeowners are more likely to check the mail every day and more open to the messages they find there. In fact, last year, almost half of retailers raised their distribution of physical, direct mail catalogs from the previous year.

Although much of real estate marketing is focused on online communications, direct mail is making a comeback here as well. We reached out to two of the industry’s heavy hitters to find out how direct mail is working for agents and brokers as they build their brands and look for their next listing.

Read the article here: Direct mail marketing isn’t dead! Here’s how to do it right

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