JLS Foundation

Seattle Children’s trading card project funded by John L. Scott Foundation

Credit: Larry Stone (Seattle Times).

The Seattle Times published a feature about a creative fundraising effort from Seattle Children’s – trading cards featuring Seattle Children’s youth and local Seattle celebrities. The John L. Scott Foundation underwrote the costs for this charitable set of cards. 

Seattle Times | Larry Stone

When Jake Gustafson, the senior director of operations and development at Seattle Children’s Hospital, approached a cross-section of local celebrities about participating in a Topps trading-card project he had brainstormed, the reaction was overwhelmingly positive.

“I don’t know about you, but if someone asked me if I wanted my own baseball card, I would say yes,” Gustafson said with a laugh.

[…] In an epiphany last year, Gustafson decided to marry those two elements, particularly at a time when the card industry is booming again. He pitched to Butler the idea of marketing a set of Seattle Children’s baseball cards. Topps had never before done this kind of charitable project — 100 percent of the proceeds go to the hospital — but they jumped at the idea. Topps agreed to provide the expertise and production, the cost of which was underwritten locally by the John L. Scott Foundation.

Read the full story here: Ken Griffey Jr., Jewell Loyd and Macklemore among stars who join patients in ‘Seattle Children’s Heroes’ card set


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