Industry News News

Oregon is Experiencing a Boom in Senior Population

Photo by Val Vesa on Unsplash

Elliot Njus | The Oregonian/Oregon Live

New Census numbers show the retirement-age population is growing in all corners of Oregon. No county, urban or rural, is spared.

While Oregon is following the national trend, driven by the aging baby boomer generation, Oregon’s 65-and-older population is growing faster than the nation as a whole. Oregon is also older on average; the median the median age is 39.3 years, compared to 38 for the U.S. as a whole.

Oregon is a retirement destination. Portland has for decades attracted more 40-and-older, college-educated people than any other major metro.

But the majority of the growth comes not from migration, but from Oregonians aging in their home state.

The senior boom, though long anticipated, will put a serious strain on Oregon communities’ healthcare and housing infrastructure, and it could have serious implications for the state’s economy.

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