Building Business Social Media

Reaching Millennials Through Social Media

Social Media

The National Association of Realtors® has found that Millennials (buyers between 18 and 34 years of age) represent the largest share of recent buyers (32 percent of all buyers last year were Millennials). But here’s the kicker: the overwhelming majority use real estate agents. Are lights and bells going off in your head? If not, check your pulse. Here are some tips you can start using to reach Millennials on their terms:

  1. Take time to understand social media. Join them (they’re free!) and take it all in. See what it’s all about and what kind of information people share. Spend at least several days learning before you share info.
  2. Make sure what you share fits the specific social media outlet. For example, Facebook and Twitter are primarily personal tidbits and news, and they’re both fairly casual. Instagram is geared almost exclusively for visuals and photos.
  3. Make sure your information is relevant and useful to improve the chance it gets shared. Millennials understand marketers and they’re open to their messages on social media — if the messages are relevant to their lives. Otherwise, they simply ignore it.
  4. Make it interesting. Instead of saying, ‘Gee, I have this great listing.’ Why not just share a picture of a cool looking wrap-around front porch of a house (that just happens to be one of your listings) that was built in the 1940s.

Read the entire blog post from Real Trends here: How To Reach Millennials.

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