Building Business Featured Industry News

Boomerang Buyers Are Back – Marketing Tips For Success!


Maybe it’s time to reach out to past clients who sold a home in a short sale, or had a foreclosure or bankruptcy.  Research shows many of those sellers are now ready to buy again.

JLS training guru Jeff Cohen has some tips for getting boomerang buyers back in the market!

  1. Be a hero and let your clients know they may be in the driver’s seat to be able to buy real estate again. Many homeowners who lost their home due to a short sale, foreclosure or bankruptcy may be able to buy today with today’s great interest rates and don’t even know it.
  2. Talk to your lenders and be prepared to answer all your client’s questions or be able to refer them to a knowledgeable lender. Your Priority home lenders are fully aware of the different programs available and the steps your buyer clients need to take to be able to buy again.
  3. Share a post on Facebook, letting all your friends know that they, or someone they know, may now be able to purchase a property again after losing their home in the recession.
  4. Send an email to your sphere or create a great marketing piece. Some may qualify to buy with Fannie Mae and FHA low down payment programs and others may qualify with the ‘Back to Work FHA Program.’ In any event, plant the seed and be ready with a response strategy to help your clients with homeownership again.


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