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Forget buyer love letters. Craft a perfect offer instead

Inman | Janet Pozos

Even before they were banned (then unbanned) in Oregon in 2021, buyer love letters have been controversial. The thinking goes that they could cause fair housing violations and, what’s more, that they make the home sale more about personalities and less about the quality of the offer itself.

People have different opinions on this, with some stressing the legality and effectiveness of the letters and others stressing the potential for harm. In my view, there’s no reason to deal with buyer love letters at all if the buyer agent is putting together a thoughtful, well-crafted offer package.

In place of a buyer love letter, Doora agents create a cover letter that paints a cohesive picture of the offer. The primary elements of the offer itself, including the cover letter, are submitted as a single pdf to the buyer when they’re signing the offer, allowing them to see the letter first.

The letter itself talks about why the buyers love the property — without diving too far into who they are in order to avoid impropriety or anything that could subsequently be construed as a fair housing issue. Understanding how to present the offer in a way that is appealing and in a logical order is good business and good marketing.

Read the full article: Forget buyer love letters. Craft a perfect offer instead

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