Good News

Seattle Agent | Who’s Who in Seattle Real Estate issue


Seattle Agent Magazine, an industry media outlet for the Seattle Metro area, is launching their Who’s Who in Seattle Real Estate issue. This is an advertising opportunity with the outlet starting at $995 for an individual featured on one page of the issue. Also included with Who’s Who participation:

  • A professional photoshoot and high-quality photo retouching by the Seattle Agent magazine photographers.
  • A professionally written personal bio by our editorial team.
  • Free use of the photo and bio in your personal/brand marketing materials.
  • A dedicated link to your SEO-optimized profile page on (see Who’s Who Boston sample online here).
  • A PDF of the profile so you can print, send, frame and use in marketing materials.
  • A Who’s Who digital logo for use in your email signature and website that links directly to their profile.
  • Profiles are featured in Seattle Agent magazine’s e-newsletter and social media.
  • Five copies of the high-quality print issue.

If you are interested in participating in this advertising opportunity with Seattle Agent Magazine, please reach out to John L. Scott PR & Communications Manager Erin Flemming for the order form. The deadline for indicating interest in this opportunity is Friday, July 1.

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