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John L. Scott Boise receives the Red Wagon Award from St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital

John L. Scott Boise team members with their Red Wagon Award from St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital.

At a recent advisory board luncheon for St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in Boise, Idaho, John L. Scott’s Boise office was presented with the hospital’s Red Wagon Award. The Red Wagon is used at St. Luke’s to transport pediatric patients around the unit, and is an integral part of the care children receive while at St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital.

According to St. Luke’s, this award “is given to an individual or group that goes above and beyond to support St. Luke’s Children’s and the advisory board. The recipient shows enthusiasm and passion for helping the kids we serve and inspires other so support our vision to improve health and well-being of children.”

Approximately 80 percent of brokers and staff in the Boise John L. Scott office contribute to the John L. Scott Foundation. These contributions support hospital fundraising events that John L. Scott Boise brokers and staff often volunteer at. In addition to these contributions, the Boise office planned and hosted a Food Truck Rally silent auction and raffle event that raised an additional $2,500 for the hospital. Throughout the years, the John L. Scott Boise office has also collected a range of donations for the children at the hospital. Way to go, John L. Scott Boise!

The John L. Scott Boise office has supported St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital in many ways over the years. This photo shows the check delivery for a $2,500 donation that was generated during the office’s Food Truck Rally. 

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