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John L. Scott SLU brokers bike RAMROD

Kern and Heather Maresca, brokers from John L. Scott’s South Lake Union office, pose at Inspiration Point during the RAMROD event.

John L. Scott South Lake Union brokers Heather and Kern Maresca participated in the Ride Around Mount Rainier in One Day (RAMROD) bike ride on Thursday, July 25. This challenging course features 10,000 feet of climbing over 150 miles, and this year was the second hottest RAMROD on record – reaching 100 degrees as Kern and Heather climbed Cayuse Pass.

This year was Kern’s ninth RAMROD and Heather’s eighth. Participation in the ride is competitive, with hopefuls signing up in March and awarded spots using a lottery system. 800 riders are selected, with about 2,000 on the waiting list.

Heather and Kern riding RAMROD in 2013.
In 2015, Heather and Kern rode a tandem on RAMROD.

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