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Census data: King County getting younger as nation ages

Photo by Zach Searcy on Unsplash

Seattle Times | Gene Balk

King County is bucking the national trend and getting younger in large part due to a large infusion of millennials in the last decade. This huge influx of a younger generation offset the aging population and brought down the median age in the county. 

King County is doing something that the great majority of counties in the U.S. aren’t: It’s getting younger.

By younger, I mean that the median age is declining. Census data released last month shows that from 2010 to 2018, the median age of King County residents dropped from 37.1 to 36.9 years.

That may not seem like much, but consider this: Of the nation’s 3,142 counties, the median age declined in only 525, or 16.7% — and most of them are in the Midwest. And among the 100 most -populous U.S. counties, King is one of only six that’s getting younger.

To read the full story, click here: King is one of few counties getting younger as nation ages, census data shows

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