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Seattle has the most cranes in the U.S. for the third year in a row

Photo by James Sullivan on Unsplash

Seattle’s skyline is dotted with 59 cranes, making it the U.S. city with the most cranes for the third year in a row. Most of these cranes are building apartment high-rises, though some of these housing projects have recently begun switching to condos. Several new office spaces are being constructed in the city as well. 

Mike Rosenberg | The Seattle Times

Seattle still has more construction cranes than any other U.S. city, as developers keep building high-rises in the fast-changing city.

The city of Seattle has 59 cranes sprouting out across the skyline, down slightly from the 65 counted six months ago. But that’s still 15 more than Los Angeles, the next-highest city.

Outside of a lull a year and a half ago, Seattle’s crane count has hovered around 60 since 2016, when it took over the national lead in cranes.

To read the full article, click here: Seattle still has the most cranes in America, and construction isn’t losing much steam

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