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Kirkland-based Property Genius tool aims to give real estate investors competitive edge

A screenshot showing Property Genius’ view of distressed properties.

Just launched last September, Kirkland-based Property Genius gives agents and investors a leg up when it comes to identifying, acquiring and reselling distressed properties. The foreclosure platform’s aim is to keep real estate brokers engaged with sellers, thus providing the opportunity to increase profits through investment. 

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For many real estate professionals, few things are more valuable than the ability to identify and generate leads. Which hot properties will next hit the market, and how can you beat the competition and earn top commissions?

One way to gain an edge is to monitor trustee sales, those properties where the owner has fallen behind on his or her mortgage payments; the property lands in foreclosure; and, eventually, is offered for auction by the lender who holds the deed.

It’s a less sexy field of real estate, for sure. But in most states, auctions are held weekly and sales are final. If you are a real estate agent or investor who knows how to navigate the maze of data compiled and filed by county assessors, title companies, legal newspapers, and court records, you can find, acquire, and resell distressed properties, potentially earning a decent income along the way.

To read the full article, click here: A New Housing Platform

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