Inman | Bernice Ross What differentiates top producers from other agents? The differences are much smaller than you might realize. Your job description as a...
The Oregonian | Janet Eastman Portland is a tale of two residential real estate markets: Well-priced, single-family homes are selling fast — sometimes a bidding...
REALTOR Magazine The luxury housing market rebounded with force in May, outpacing the rest of the market in price growth and listing views online, according...
The Oregonian | Janet Eastman The roller-coaster effect of national spending, Oregon’s unemployment rate and conflicting economic forecasts are reflected in Portland’s residential real estate...
The Mortgage Reports | Tim Lucas Mortgage rates plummeted Wednesday after suffering painful increases late last week. The reason: a very encouraging message from the...
REALTOR Magazine Amid calls for racial justice after the death of George Floyd, the National Association of REALTORS® has launched a new training video in...
In another expansion outside of Seattle, Amazon is planning to open an 111,000-square-foot office for more than 600 Amazon Web Services workers in Redmond, Wash....