Susie Luby, the leader of the Spokane Office, joins Emmanuel to talk about how she leverages her professional athlete background to impact her business and...
Suzanne Oakes, the leader of the Vancouver Washington office, joins Emmanuel to talk about the way her office has wrapped its arms around Seller Listing...
Denny Buck join us to talk about the practice of offering value to clients and sphere via annual real estate reviews. [ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”OGGURL” css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false”...
Howard and Emmanuel talk about how to articulate value to the client and avoid the rebate game. [ca_audio url_mp3=”″ url_ogg=”OGGURL” css_class=”codeart-google-mp3-player” autoplay=”false” download=”false” html5=”true” skin=...