Jeremiah Jensen | For local economies to thrive, affordable housing must be built. According to Blake Plumley, CEO of Capital Pursuits, a real estate development...
Elliot Njus | The Oregonian/OregonLive Portland-area home prices continued to rise at an annual rate of 5.9 percent in May, according to the S&P/Case-Shiller home...
Diana Olick | CNBC Seattle has been arguably one of the hottest housing markets in America, with home prices rising annually by double digits fueled...
Jeff Andrews | With housing inventory shortages rampant across the nation, the summer of 2018 was suppose to be “the most competitive housing market in...
Lance Lambert | Should I stay or should I go? For many homeowners, that’s the question. Conventional wisdom strongly dictates that homeowners should live...
Sarah Anne Lloyd | Seattle’s crane count—a semiannual report by Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) that literally just counts construction cranes currently erected in the...
Jeremiah Jensen | People talk about how the American Dream of one day owning a house is still something that Millennials want and are actively pursuing, and...
Dave Gallagher | Bellingham Herald The steady drumbeat in local real estate recently is that inventory is tight and home prices keep rising. It appears...