For years, lawmakers have tried to reform Washington’s unusual condo liability law that has discouraged local developers from condo construction. This year, a bill that...
RISMedia | Terri Murphy Many new brokers will draft up an announcement letter when they begin their real estate career. Take your letter and strategy...
On Advocacy Day for the Washington State Coalition Against Domestic Violence, John L. Scott released a video sharing broker Maggie McQueen’s story as part of...
Robert Freedman | REALTOR Magazine If automated text messaging is part of your marketing strategy, you could be setting yourself up as a tempting target...
Recently, brokers and staff from the Sunset Corridor John L. Scott office, along with Priority Home Lending staff donated their time and money to Michelle’s...
Check out stats and reports compiled by the National Association of Realtors examining how the housing market in your state affects the local economy. Both...