Emmanuel and Howard talk through the concept of R.E.N.T – Representation, Expertise, Negotiation and Transactional Excellence. This podcast is a great introduction to the Ultimate...
Priority Lending is one of the John L. Scott Convention 2016 premiere sponsors. Emmanuel sits down with Chris Lopez, President of Priority Home Lending to...
Howard and Emmanuel cover some recent marketing initiatives such as the new perma-flyers, hyper-local app cards, Property Tracker flyer, as well as the updated...
Howard talks to Emmanuel about the newly released Ultimate Client Relationship® L.A.B.S. As the Director of Ultimate Client Relationship®, Emmanuel illustrates how this approach helps brokers...
Patty Mulhauser, leader of the John L. Scott Coeur D’Alene office in Idaho, talks to Emmanuel about her time at the Leading RE conference in Florida: how...