In a program designed to honor real estate agents who are new to the business yet achieving extraordinary results, RISMedia launched its inaugural Real Estate...
Children’s Village, a medical facility in Yakima, held their Passion for the Village event in late May. The John L. Scott Foundation helped sponsor the...
John L. Scott Bothell broker associate Renee Uribe was featured in REALTOR Magazine recently. In the piece, Renee shares her story of survival and success,...
John L. Scott Company Growth Officer Monty D. Smith was selected as a 2022 Outstanding LGBTQ+ Business Leader by Puget Sound Business Journal as part...
John L. Scott Real Estate was recently recognized by the RealTrends 500 in nine different award categories! The RealTrends 500, now in its 35th year,...
Seattle Agent Magazine announced the winners of their Agents’ Choice Awards for 2022 and John L. Scott won in three different categories! Congratulations to the...
Congratulations to John L. Scott Vice President of Information Technology Bobbie Jo Foster for being named a finalist in this year’s ORBIE Awards! Puget Sound...